Thursday, October 27, 2016

Things You Need to Know Before Buying Glasses Online

I got my first pair of glasses when I was in second grade and I hated them. I liked being able to see clearly but I thought they made me look nerdy. So as soon as my mom though I was old enough, I switched to contacts and didn't look back...until a few years ago.

Glasses are just so much more comfortable. They're like sweatpants for your eyes. Plus, there are so many cute styles available that you don't have to worry about looking "nerdy," (unless that's what you're going for.)

So a few years ago, I started only wearing my glasses. But not just any glasses. I ordered these glasses online, for the first time. Let me just tell you, I got lucky. I didn't know anything about measurements or fit, and I didn't get to try the frames beforehand. I just liked how they looked and ordered them hoping they'd fit. (They did.)

I've ordered glasses online since then and I've learned quite a few things. I figured I'd share my struggle with you so hopefully the process will be a lot smoother for you.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Can Getting Rid of Junk Actually Make You Happier?

I like to think I am a pretty organized and clean person.

I try to keep my house clean but somehow, a few days after a cleaning spree, piles of junk emerge from their hiding places and take up residence in my living space. Papers, books, and receipts find their way to my desktop. Shoes are scattered all over my floor, tripping any passerby. Clean and dirty clothes alike gather into nest-like piles on my bed and chair.

Yeah, it's not a pretty sight.

I used to think I didn't have enough space, but I've come to the conclusion that I just have too much stuff.

I'd been meaning to purge my house of all my extra junk, I just wasn't sure how to go about it. That is, until I read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Are Kindles Better Than Real Books?

Everyone I meet seems to either love their Kindle, or they refuse to get one in the first place. They don't even want to give it a chance because nothing can replace the feeling of holding an actual book, turning the pages, and even smelling the paper, (something I know nothing about.)

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tales From the Airport Hotel

In addition to being a full time student, I also work full time at the front desk of a hotel that is near my city's main airport. I gotta pay for tuition somehow! I initially applied for this job because the down time in between guest check-ins seemed like the perfect time to get homework done. And it has been.

But besides that, I absolutely love all the different types of people that I get to meet. 

Besides working the front desk, I'm also responsible for driving the shuttle to and from the airport whenever a guest needs a ride. Driving people around really creates an opportunity for conversation. Something about being trapped in a car with someone else for 15 minutes makes you wanna talk to them, I guess.

Last week, I picked up a lady from Honduras named Daisy at the airport. She had left her car parked at our hotel while she traveled, but she's back now, and she needed a ride to her car. I pull up to the airport at around 9:30pm and see a short, smiley lady in jeans and a cowboy hat. What she lacked in stature, she made up for in personality.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

What is Your Patronus?

So recently, J.K. Rowling added a new quiz to Pottermore, the official Harry Potter fan website. This new quiz tells you what your patronus would be. 

If you've been living under a rock for the last ten years and know nothing about Harry Potter, a patronus is a spell you would cast to protect against dementors. It comes in the shape of an animal that kind of fits in with your personality.

There have been multiple quizzes on the internet over the years that tell you what your patronus would be or what house the Sorting Hat would sort you into. But this one is the real deal. Written by J.K. Rowling herself.

So of course, I was so excited to try it. Some people were getting awesome things like unicorns or dragons. Other people were getting things like hawk, lion, or fox, or wolf. 

So I took the quiz and...