Thursday, October 27, 2016

Things You Need to Know Before Buying Glasses Online

I got my first pair of glasses when I was in second grade and I hated them. I liked being able to see clearly but I thought they made me look nerdy. So as soon as my mom though I was old enough, I switched to contacts and didn't look back...until a few years ago.

Glasses are just so much more comfortable. They're like sweatpants for your eyes. Plus, there are so many cute styles available that you don't have to worry about looking "nerdy," (unless that's what you're going for.)

So a few years ago, I started only wearing my glasses. But not just any glasses. I ordered these glasses online, for the first time. Let me just tell you, I got lucky. I didn't know anything about measurements or fit, and I didn't get to try the frames beforehand. I just liked how they looked and ordered them hoping they'd fit. (They did.)

I've ordered glasses online since then and I've learned quite a few things. I figured I'd share my struggle with you so hopefully the process will be a lot smoother for you.

Measure your pupillary distance.

This is the distance between your pupils. Your doctor can do this when you go in for an exam, so be sure to ask for that measurement. You could do it yourself but it's a little more difficult, and you want this to be accurate. 

Online glasses company Warby Parker has a unique solution if you don't know your PD. They ask you to hold up a card with a magnetic strip under your nose and take a photo. I did this recently (with a hotel room key) and it was accurate, as far as I can tell.

Check inside the temple arms for your glasses measurements.

Usually, there are 3 numbers printed inside your frames. The first number represents the size of the lenses. The second number represents the distance between your nose pads in millimeters. The last number is the length of your temple arms. it'll look something like this:

If you like the way your glasses fit, you can try to find some with similar measurements. Personally, my face is pretty small so I've had trouble finding frames that fit the way I like. Luckily, glasses are adjustable.

Pick frames that flatter your face.

Don't pick a certain style just because they're trendy. There are plenty of frame styles for every face shape out there. Honestly, it can be overwhelming sometimes! Most sites will have a feature where you can upload your photo and virtually try on some frames, but that only works so well.

Some sites have an at-home try-on option, like Warby Parker. You pick out 5 frames and they'll send them to you to try. They won't have your prescription lenses in them, though. So you just send them all back and order whichever ones you liked the best! Or, another 5 pair to try if you're indecisive.

Get your frames adjusted to fit your face.

Once you get your new specs in the mail, you're gonna be excited to wear them. Unfortunately you're probably going to have to get them adjusted first. Fresh frames might slide off your face or feel too tight, but don't let that mislead you. That doesn't necessarily mean they're the wrong size for you.

The best way to do this is to go to an optician, because they have the tools and the knowledge to do the adjusting for you. They probably won't break your frames.

But if you're impatient like me, you can try adjusting them yourself at home. I use a hair dryer to heat up the part of my frames I want to move and then gently bend them. it may take a few tries, but it works.

Buying frames online requires a little bit of a learning curve because you don't have an optician right there with you helping you pick out your frames and adjust them, but the money you could save makes it worth the extra effort, in my opinion at least.

What kind of experiences have you had buying glasses online?


  1. I loved this! I recently tried ordering my glasses online but I did not have a good experience and I wish I could have read this before hand. I have had glasses since first grade so I definitely feel ya there!

  2. "Sweatpants for eyes" -lol

    I wish I knew this before I bought mine. I still have them and I love them but I spent so much just to wear them for less than a year.

  3. The problem I have is, I didn't even read without the Glasses, I went to take a surgery but, I don't have that much courage and money to do so, I just fixed with the mens Glasses and I am so mad about this all the time.

    Why do I am saying all this. I may be bit crazy I think.

    However, Heads up for the awesome post !
