Thursday, September 15, 2016

How to Relieve an Annoying Headache

I decided to write this post because I just got over a three day migraine today. Even though I get headaches all the time, I'm always googling new ways to find relief, hoping to find the perfect magical cure. As I'm sure you do too.

I've tried almost everything, so I want to tell you about some of the things that helped me. Hopefully some of these tips will bring you relief. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. If your headache is abnormal or persists for longer than usual, please go see your doctor.

before you do anything, you need to ask yourself what kind of headache you are experiencing. It's important to know what is causing the pain, that way you can figure out the best plan of attack. There are plenty of guides online, so figure out if you're experiencing a sinus headache, a tension headache, or a migraine, because treatment for each kind will be unique.

1) One of the biggest causes of headaches is dehydration, so before you try anything else, drink a big glass of water.

Even if you think you are well-hydrated, you could be wrong. Drinking more water never hurts. Trust me on this. Most of the time a simple headache can be cured by drinking plenty of water. It will save you a lot of headache (hehe.)

2) If you can, lay down somewhere dark and quiet.
This one is probably pretty obvious.

3) For a sinus headache try pseudoephedrine. For any other kind of headache, Excedrine Migraine is wonderful. 
Excedrine Migraine has both tylenol and advil in it, as well as caffeine. As someone who needs my morning coffee, I can tell you caffeine withdrawal headaches are no joke. Just be careful though, if you don't drink a lot of caffeine, sometimes it can make headaches worse.

4) Try something cold on your head, or something warm on your neck and shoulders.

The cold on your head can help relieve pain from the headache, and the heat on your neck and shoulders helps relax tense muscles that might be causing your headache.

4) Binaural beats may help you relax and have the potential to relieve headache pain.

This one is new to me. I just discovered binaural beats a couple days ago and decided to give it a try. The way it works is two different low-frequency beats are played in each ear, and the small difference in the sounds supposedly affects your brainwaves. You have to use headphones though. Now, this hasn't been officially proven to work, but I listened to a 40-minute headache relief beat and I actually experienced temporary relief for a few hours. I wasn't expecting it to actually work, so I was pleasantly surprised. Maybe it was a placebo or maybe the beat just helped me relax, but either way I'm impressed.

Here is a link to a headache relief beat if you're interested in trying it for yourself. Be sure to wear headphones!

Let me know how it works for you!

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