Saturday, November 19, 2016

Tales From The Airport Hotel: The Honeymooners

So if you don't know, I work at the front desk of a hotel by our airport. Most days are pretty boring, but every once in a while something crazy happens. Last Saturday happened to be one of those days.

Normally, Saturdays are uneventful. All the business men and women who were here during the week for work have gone home. Most of the guests we have on weekends are vacationers or people visiting family. And to be honest, not a lot of people come to this city for vacation.

Check-out for my hotel is at 12pm (assuming they didn't ask for a late check-out,) and check-in is at 3pm. This gives our housekeepers 3 hours to clean all of the rooms before the new guests arrive. 

Every once in a while a guest will arrive early. In those cases, if there is a vacant room that has already been cleaned, we will let the guest check in early. If the rooms aren't ready yet, they are pretty much out of luck and they have to sit around in the lobby and wait.

A couple comes up to the front desk around 1:30 wanting to check in. They're early, but they inform me they are on their honeymoon. (Aww how sweet. But why come here for your honeymoon? Our city isn't very exciting.)

Lucky for them, they reserved an Executive King Suite and my computer was showing that we had one vacant, clean, and ready for them. I check them in, make their keys, and tell them how to get to their room and send them on their way. 

Less than 30 minutes later, I get a call from the honeymooners, and they are not happy.

"Hi, yes, we just checked in and one of your housekeepers just walked into our room!"

"I am so sorry about that ma'am. They're going through and making sure all the rooms are clean and they just weren't expecting any early arrivals. Again, I apologize. That must have been very startling," I responded.

"Yeah, I get that they're cleaning the rooms but this was more than just startling! This was embarrassing! My husband and I were having sex! Your housekeeper walked in on us having sex. I can't believe this," she explained.

I was speechless. I tripped over my words trying to figure out what to say. This has never happened before, at least not that I know of. Needless to say, the honeymooners received a full refund for their stay that evening. That settled things down.

The housekeeper eventually came back downstairs, terribly embarrassed. The whole situation was just embarrassing for everybody involved.

I'm impressed with how little time the honeymooners wasted getting busy once they were checked in. I just want to know, did the housekeeper knock and they just didn't hear it? Did they not hear her unlocking the door and coming in? So many unanswered questions.

At least these newlyweds have a funny and unique story to tell when they get back home.

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